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Co łączy WEF, GAVI i ID 2020?- Ernst Wolff

Światowe Forum Ekonomiczne (World Economic Forum – WEF), kierowane przez niemieckiego profesora Klausa Schwaba, w ciągu ostatnich dwóch lat coraz bardziej przyciągało uwagę międzynarodowej opinii publicznej.


Teraz wiemy, że liczni liderzy ze świata polityki i biznesu przeszli przez szkołę należącą do WEF: Global Leaders for Tomorrow czy Young Global Leaders.

Zauważyliśmy, że w szczególności podążyli oni szczególnie twardym i bezkompromisowym kursem w kontekście globalnego kryzysu sanitarnego i likwidacji praw demokratycznych.

Dowiedzieliśmy się również, że Klaus Schwab postrzega obecny kryzys jako krótki, sprzyjający okres możliwości zniszczenia gospodarki i społeczeństw w ich obecnej formie, a następnie ich odbudowy.

Jednak niewiele wiemy o osobistych i organizacyjnych powiązaniach między WEF a najważniejszymi graczami w dziedzinie zdrowia, która jest obecnie realizowana na całym świecie. Dlatego kilka poniższych informacji.

W 2000 roku przy WEF powstała organizacja GAVI (skrót od Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization; po polsku „Globalny Sojusz na rzecz Szczepionek i Szczepień”).

Do członków założycieli należą Bank Światowy, Światowa Organizacja Zdrowia (WHO), kilku producentów szczepionek oraz Fundacja Billa i Melindy Gatesów, która zapewniła kapitał założycielski w wysokości 750 milionów dolarów. Oficjalnym celem GAVI jest dostarczanie szczepionek dzieciom w krajach rozwijających się.

Z biegiem lat do kasy GAVI napływało coraz więcej pieniędzy. Sama Fundacja Billa i Melindy Gatesów przekazała około 4,1 miliarda dolarów w latach 2011-2020. Na konferencji darczyńców w czerwcu 2020 r. zebrano łącznie 8,8 miliarda dolarów.

Jednak to skrajne zaangażowanie darczyńców w szczepienie biednych dzieci nie było zgodne z ich faktyczną sytuacją. Największym zagrożeniem w 2020 roku nie były choroby zakaźne, ale głód, wywołany działaniami podjętymi w kontekście kryzysu covidowego.

Jeśli wielu sponsorów troszczyło się o dobro dzieci w potrzebie, to po co ta obsesja na temat szczepień?

Argument wysuwany przez niektórych krytyków, że szczepionki przynoszą duże zyski firmom farmaceutycznym, nie odpowiada na pytanie w sposób zadowalający. Chociaż grupy otrzymują gwarancję zakupu od GAVI, co eliminuje ich ryzyko związane z przedsiębiorcą, rynek szczepień jest bardzo mały w stosunku do całego rynku w branży farmaceutycznej. Na przykład, w 2019 roku globalny rynek farmaceutyczny był wart 1,3 biliona dolarów, z czego szczepionki stanowiły całe 33 miliardy dolarów, czyli mniej niż 3%.

Skąd więc bierze się ta rozbieżność między rzekomą intencją a rzeczywistym skutkiem?

Przyjrzyjmy się założeniu organizacji w czerwcu 2017 r. w Nowym Jorku. W tym dniu GAVI uruchomiło ID 2020 wraz z grupą IT Microsoft, Fundacją Rockefellera, organizacją pomocową CARE, firmą konsultingową Accenture i niedochodową firmą projektową Ideo Org.

ID 2020 dąży do stworzenia cyfrowych form identyfikacji na całym świecie w oparciu o technologię biometryczną i blockchain. Wśród partnerów do współpracy znajdują się rząd USA, Komisja Europejska i agencja ONZ ds. uchodźców UNHCR.

Powstanie ID 2020 oznacza ogromny krok naprzód dla branży cyfrowej, która od dawna dąży do nadania każdemu człowiekowi unikalnej i odpornej na fałszerstwo tożsamości cyfrowej. Tymczasem plany idą jeszcze dalej: Ze względu na szybki rozwój w dziedzinie sztucznej inteligencji nie chodzi już tylko o tożsamość cyfrową, ale o konwergencję (proces, w którym różne zjawiska, początkowo niepodobne i nie spokrewnione, zbliżają się i upodabniają do siebie) bio-cyfrową, co oznacza: połączenie ludzkiego ciała ze światem cyfrowym.

Jest na to kilka sposobów: implanty, tatuaże lub szczepienia. We wszystkich trzech przypadkach do organizmu człowieka podawane są substancje, które są następnie rozpoznawane przez urządzenia cyfrowe i mogą się z nimi komunikować.

Patrząc wstecz na ostatnie 12 miesięcy, jedno można powiedzieć z całą pewnością: z powodu kryzysu sanitarnego akceptacja szczepień wzrosła w niespotykanym dotąd stopniu, co przyniosło znaczne korzyści projektowi.

W tym kontekście ujawniają się również następujące dane osobowe: przewodniczącym rady dyrektorów GAVI nie jest lekarz, ale José Manuel Barroso.

Barroso był członkiem pierwszej grupy WEF Global Leaders for Tomorrow wraz z Billem Gatesem i Angelą Merkel w 1992 roku. W latach 2004-2014 był przewodniczącym Komisji Europejskiej, a od lipca 2016 roku jest doradcą dużego banku Goldman Sachs.

Głównymi udziałowcami Goldman-Sachs są Vanguard, State Street i BlackRock.

Z drugiej strony założyciel BlackRock, Larry Fink – i tu zataczamy koło – zasiada w zarządzie WEF Klausa Schwaba wraz z szefową EBC Christine Lagarde i szefową MFW Kristaliną Georgiewą.

Ernst Wolff


Tłumaczył: Paweł Jakubas, proszę o jedno Zdrowaś Maryjo za moją pracę.

Oryginał ukazał się 7 lutego 2022 na stronie www.apolut.net

Link do oryginalnego tekstu w języku niemieckim: https://apolut.net/was-verbindet-wef-gavi-und-id-2020-von-ernst-wolff/



Wylęgarnia spiskowców


Do powyższego dodajmy kilka innych faktów.


Dawno już temu, bo w  1971 roku, młody ekonomista i inżynier utworzył forum kształtowania kadr przywódczych. 32-latek, Klaus Schwab, o dziwnych i nie wyjaśnionych w pełni powiązaniach, stworzył instytucję, która w 1987 przybrała znaną nam do dzisiaj nazwę Światowe Forum Ekonomiczne (WEF).

Co roku wybrane przez WEF „talenty” z całego świata spotykają się w Davos, gdzie rozważają scenariusze, przydzielają role i gdzie „młodzi-zdolni” są namaszczani na przyszłych przywódców politycznych pracujących na pierwszym froncie, i na lokalnych decydentów pracujących na zapleczu.

W 1992 roku Schwab utworzył równoległą instytucję, Global Leaders for Tomorrow, przemianowaną w 2004 roku na Young Global Leaders. W ciągu tych lat, przez tę „szkołę” przewinęło się ponad 1300 osób, które później stały się najważniejszymi postaciami kreującymi rzeczywistość i narzucającymi obrany kierunek przemiany społeczeństw. Co prawda „szkoła” nie ogłasza nazwisk wszystkich absolwentów, ale wiele opracowań stworzyło częściową listę.

Warto zwrócić uwagę na nazwiska, są tam i czołowi politycy, i „geniusze” którzy dzięki swoim nadzwyczajnym „talentom” stworzyli imperia medialne: Zuckerberg (Facebook), Larry Page (Google), Sergey Brin (Google), Max Levchin (Paypal). Są i finansiści ze „starych dobrych rodzin”, dziennikarze, jest nawet „przypadkowo” wice-szef firmy Pfizer, są i „biznesmeni” i cała plejada innych gwiazd manipulacji i dzisiejszego zamordyzmu.

Oto wybrane przykłady osobników ukształtowanych przez szkółkę Schwaba w poszczególnych latach. Oczywiście jest to tylko zarys tej światowej śmietanki (z 1300 wychowanków szkółki, poniższa lista wymienia zaledwie 200 osób), więc powinniśmy szukać dalej, lecz cały czas zdawać sobie sprawę KTO rozdaje do wykonania poszczególne rozdziały scenariusza, pisanego przez kastę spiskowców pragnących zniszczyć Człowieka, zamieniając go w posłusznego i bezwolnego wykonawcę rozkazów.

A jeszcze tak dla ciekawości: wspomniane w tekście GAVI zostało w 2021 roku zasilone kwotą 900 tysięcy dolarów przez pana Morawieckiego i jego „rząd dobrej zmiany”, więc i Polska uczestniczy w tym globalistycznym programie. I jeszcze: dziwnym zbiegiem okoliczności hasło w Wikipedii „Klaus Schwab” nie zostało przetłumaczone na język polski. Po co budzić ze snu Polaczka, którego cała mądrość pochodzi właśnie z takich wikipedii?


Wybrańcy Schwaba


  • Ali Babacan is a 8 times Bilderberg visitor Turkish politician.
  • Ed Balls is a British Labour Party politician who was an MP from 2005 to 2015. He is married to fellow politician and WEF/Young Global Leaders participant Yvette Cooper.
  • Marc Benioff He is the founder, chairman and CEO of Salesforce, an enterprise cloud computing company. He is the owner of Time Magazine, which he bought for $190m and uses for political propaganda. Salesforce is one of the very central companies in the COVID deep event.
  • Sergey Brin is a co-founder of Google.
  • Yvette Cooper is a British Labour Party politician who is the Member of Parliament (MP) since 1997 and is married to fellow Labour politician Ed Balls.
  • Niall Ferguson is a Bilderberger historian. Ferguson charges between $50,000 to $75,000 to hold standard speeches, mostly to corporate executives.
  • Chrystia Freeland is a spooky Canadian politician. Deputy Prime Minister of Canada from 2019, including when the country introduced vaccine passports.
  • Austan Goolsbee is an American economist. He is Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business.
  • Larry Page is a co-founder of Google.
  • Haakon Magnus is heir apparent to the throne of Norway.
  • Paul Meyer – Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of The Commons Project, which has build a worldwide interoperable system of vaccine passports, funded by the Rockefeller Foundation.
  • Former Senior Fellow at the Markle Foundation, which has close ties to US intelligence services. Also selected in the predecessor program in 2003.
  • Mellody Hobson is president and co-CEO of Ariel Investments, wife of filmmaker George Lucas.
  • Gavin Newsom became governor of California in January 2019, a state in the forefront in driving the COVID deep event. Decreed mandatory COVID-vaccinations for all schoolchildren in 2021.
  • Samantha Power also attended the WEF/Global Leaders for Tomorrow 2003, so she is a reliable hand.
  • Nathaniel Rothschild is the only son and heir apparent of Jacob Rothschild
  • Mikheil Saakashvili became President of Georgia in 2008. CIA client.
  • Ferit Şahenk is a Chairman of Turkey’s Doğuş Holding conglomerate and richest person in Turkey.
  • Mabel van Oranje is a Dutch deep state fixer with an incredible CV.



  • Eugenio Burzaco – Argentinian politically well connected spook with plenty of shady dealings.
  • Shami Chakrabarti, later Baroness Chakrabarti, is a barrister involved in human rights who was appointed Shadow Attorney General by Jeremy Corbyn.
  • Justin Forsyth is a former Special Adviser to Prime Ministers Tony Blair and Gordon Brown.
  • Saif al-Islam Gaddafi is the second son of late Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. Attended at a time when the West was faking rapprochement. Unlike his father, still alive as of 2022.
  • Charmian Gooch co-founder and board member of the NGO Global Witness, sponsored by Open Society Foundations and the National Endowment for Democracy.
  • Sergei Guriev is a Russian economist, a professor of economics living in France.
  • Joe Hockey is an Australian politician and diplomat. Even with getting a push from the right place, he never made it to the top.
  • Johann Olav Koss – Norwegian Olympian turned businessman
  • Ivan Krastev is a protegé of George Soros. Attended the Bilderberg for the first time in 2019.
  • Corinna Lathan – Co-Founder of AnthroTronix, Inc., a biomedical research and development company.Has worked extensively with the US military and DARPA.
  • Irshad Manji – hyped as the ” 'new face of Islam” in the 2000s.
  • Joshua Cooper Ramo is vice chairman and co-chief executive of Kissinger Associates.
  • Chris Tucker, Hollywood actor, a friend of both Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton.



  • Peter Bisanz Works for the World Economic Forum on creating an Universal Curriculum on Values that will encompass a full spectrum of socially relevant media, from Television to the Internet.
  • Ian Bremmer is President and founder of the Eurasia Group. CFR, TLC, Bilderberg 2007
  • Alessandra Galloni – in 2021 appointed editor-in-chief or Reuters, the agency that totally dominates the input of news to all corporate media.
  • Kate Garvey is an English public relations executive and a former aide to UK prime minister Tony Blair. She is married to Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales.
  • Tigran Khudaverdyan joined the large Russian search engine Yandex in 2006 as a project manager. By 2020 deputy CEO and an executive member of the board of directors.
  • Siamak Namazi is an Iranian-American academic and business consultant who was sentenced to 10 years prison in Iran in 2016 for „collaboration with hostile government”.
  • Enrique Peña Nieto was president of Mexico from 2012-2018. CIA? Plus what happened to his wife?
  • Karim Sadjadpour is a triple Bilderberger and „chief Iran analyst” at the International Crisis Group.
  • Sheryl Sandberg is the Chief Operating Officer of Facebook.
  • Rajiv Shah was employed at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for seven years before he started working for the government (USAID), before then moving on to the Rockefeller Foundation.
  • Andrew Ross Sorkin is an American journalist working as financial columnist for The New York Times.
  • Peter Thiel is a billionaire member of the Bilderberg Steering Committee.
  • Jimmy Wales is an American internet entrepreneur, best known as the co-founder of the Deep State controlled encyclopedia Wikipedia.



  • Kirill Androsov 2008-2010 Deputy chief of staff to then (Prime Minister) Vladimir Putin. Since 2015 managing parter of Altera Capital, a Moscow-based investment firm.
  • Susan Athey is the Economics of Technology Professor at Stanford Graduate School of Business.
  • Thomas Buberl is a money manager who first went to the Bilderberg in 2017.
  • Ellana Lee is Senior Vice President & Managing Editor, Asia Pacific, for CNN International.
  • Mark Leonard founded the European Council on Foreign Relations on behalf of George Soros.
  • Rory Stewart, named as MI6, was Chair of the international deep state/intelligence group Le Cercle from 2013-2015.
  • Nikolay Pryanishnikov President of Microsoft Russia until circa 2015.



  • Alexander Stubb is a Finnish politician who served as the Prime Minister of Finland from 2014 to 2015
  • Boris Nikolic is Bill Gates’ former science adviser. Named as one of the three executors of Jeffrey Epstein’s estate.
  • Dambisa Moyo is an economist who worked for two years at the World Bank and eight years at Goldman Sachs before becoming an author and international public speaker.
  • François Philippe Champagne is a Canadian politician, lawyer and businessman. Bilderberg 2018 and 2019.
  • Jo Cox was a UK Labour Party politician. Brutally murdered on 16 June 2016.
  • Parag Khanna is an international thinker paid by multiple think tanks to promote technocracy.
  • Mark Zuckerberg is a US billionaire credited with starting Facebook.
  • Stéphane Bancel CEO of Moderna, one of the favored companies for COVID-19 vaccines
  • Felix Maradiaga a US-trained political operative who played a major role in the failed 2018 Nicaragua coup attempt.
  • Kirill Dmitriev. CEO of the Russian Direct Investment Fund, the main financer behind the Sputnik V „vaccine” (just as big a horror show as the Western ones). Goldman Sachs. McKinsey.
  • Yuri Soloviev. Previously worked for Lehman Brothers and Deutsche Bank. In 2009, he was one of the founders of the annual VTB Capital „Russia Calling!” Investment Forum. By 2020, chairman of the VTB Bank Management Board.



  • Julian Castro is a US politician who was a prospective candidate in the US/2020 Presidential election.
  • Gabrielle Giffords is an US politician who survived an assassination attempt in 2011. Resigned from office, but still in Democratic party leadership.
  • Ben Goldsmith English financier and environmentalist, son of James Goldsmith.
  • Dr. Sanjay Gupta, chief medical correspondent for CNN and fawning interviewer of Bill Gates. Played a big role promoting the official narrative in the COVID-19 deep event.
  • Ricken Patel – Founding CEO of Avaaz, „the global leader of online protest” – or an empire propaganda mill masquerading as grassroots activism.
  • Tomáš Pojar is a spooky Czech diplomat.
  • Philipp Rösler was German Minister of Health from 2009 to 2011.
  • Serpil Timuray is a Turkish businesswoman working for multinational corporations.
  • Stanislav Voskresenskiy. In 2010 played a key role in the organization of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. In 2018, he was appointed head of the working group of the State Council of the Russian Federation in the direction of „Healthcare”.
  • Kevin Warsh is/was a member of the Bilderberg Steering Committee.



  • Dawood Azami is a senior broadcast journalist and academic, working as multi-media editor at the BBC World Service.
  • Andrei Elinson. Elected to the Board of Directors of Alfa Bank in June 2016. In April 2020 he spoke at conference arranged by fellow Young Leader Andrey Guryev at the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RUIE) Coordinating Council on the „possibility of a dramatic transformation in the structure, principles and processes for doing business following the coronavirus pandemic.”
  • Hala Gorani is an American journalist working as an anchor and correspondent for CNN International, making war propaganda.
  • Christa Markwalder is a Swiss politician who attended the 2016 Bilderberg meeting.
  • Max Levchin founded PayPal in 1998 with Peter Thiel.
  • Chuka Umunna is a British Labour politician who later went over to JPMorgan Chase and Edelman.
  • Nikki Haley later became United States Ambassador to the United Nations.
  • Dana Perino was one of 4 White House Press Secretaries under George W. Bush.



  • Huma Abedin has been termed the effective “right-hand woman” of Hillary Clinton.
  • Jonathan Adiri is an Israeli businessman working in the digital healthcare sector, an area pinpointed as a priority by the World Economic Forum.
  • Daniel Bahr is a German politician and member of the FDP. From May 2011 to December 2013 he was Federal Minister of Health, one in a series of German health ministers who were selected a Young Global Leader.
  • Henrique Capriles is a part of one of Venezuela’s wealthiest families. Presidential candidate 2012 and 2013. He and his party, supported by the National Endowment for Democracy, also participated in the 2002 coup attempt.
  • Jane Burston is a British scientist specialising in climate change.
  • Brendan Cox is a former Special Adviser to Prime Minister Gordon Brown. His wife Jo Cox, MP for Batley and Spen, was murdered on 16 June 2016.
  • Martha Lane Fox. On the board of Twitter. Member of the UK Joint Committee on National Security Strategy. House of Lords COVID-19 Committee.
  • Matteo Renzi is an Italian politician who served as Prime Minister of Italy from 2014 to 2016.
  • Natalie Rickli is a Swiss politician of the Swiss People’s Party. During the COVID-19 deep event she proposed no further health care for the unvaccinated. Went on secret luxury holiday to the Maldives while forcing everyone else to stay in their apartments.



  • Thomas Bollyky is Director of the global health program at the Council on Foreign Relations and former consultant to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
  • Chelsea Clinton is an American business woman with a notorious family network.
  • Clara Shih is an American businesswoman. She is the CEO and co-founder of Hearsay Social, selling solutions for financial services. She has worked for Google,Microsoft and Salesforce.
  • Ida Auken is a Danish politician. Wrote for the WEF „Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better”.
  • Jeremy Howard is an Australian data scientist and entrepreneur. In 2014, he started a business trying to digitize healthcare. Then at the very start of the COVID-event he organized a worldwide campaign for mandatory face masks, making face-to-face health care very difficult.
  • Pierre Maudet is a Swiss politician who also attended the 2015 Bilderberg.
  • Srđa Popović is a professional regime change activist for US/NATO interests.
  • Jared Polis is a politician who went from a Colorado Congressman in 2013, and is now currently the Governor of Colorado. Polis issued of a public health order that made Colorado one of the first states to require proof of full vaccination to be admitted into the large indoor events.



  • Catherine Howarth is a British executive in the NGO sector and a board member of the Scott Trust, owner of the deep state organ the Guardian.
  • Dominique Anglade is a Canadian politician. She is a member of the Quebec Parliament from the Liberal Party. She attended the 2018 Bilderberg.
  • Jacinda Ardern is the Prime Minister of New Zealand, for the Labour party. Her career having signs of being helped forward by deep state interests, she started some of the harshest measures on COVID-19 in 2020.
  • Jared Cohen has attended 2018 Bilderberg and 2019 Bilderberg. He is the CEO of Jigsaw (formerly Google Ideas) and an Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.
  • Rebecca Weintraub is a Harvard professor who works for total vaccination of everyone in the world. To achieve that, „we need to change our playbook”…“And that’s going to include vaccine mandates.”



  • Tulsi Gabbard US presidential candidate running on peace anti-war platform, who in March 2020 suspended her campaign in favour of warmonger Joe Biden.
  • Ilona Szabó de Carvalho a Brazilian activist showered with attention and funding from „global leaders”. Her Igarapé Institute receives funding from Google,the British and Canadian embassies,USAID, Luminate, Open Society Foundations etc. Appealed to „global leaders” to do „everything in their power” to make Brazil adopt „more responsible COVID policies”.
  • Alexander De Croo PM of Belgium during some of the hardest lockdowns in Europe.
  • Michelle Dipp – Biotechnology startup investor.
  • Professor Adam M. Grant attended the Bilderberg for the first time in 2019. He granted tenure at age 28 at the Wharton Business School of the University of Pennsylvania specializing in organizational psychology.
  • Naomi Koshi is a Japanese lawyer and former politician.
  • Ronaldo Lemos Brazilian internet academic. On the Oversight board of Facebook from 2020. Not as opposed to online censorship as he once used to be.
  • Mustapha Mokass developer of a vaccine passport system and others for the 4th Industrial Revolution „dear to WEF founder Klaus Schwab”.



  • Sam Altman is an American tech-millionaire. He is the CEO of OpenAI, a company specialising in Artificial intelligence.
  • Poppy Allonby head BlackRock in EMEA (Europe, the Middle East and Africa) & APAC (Asia-Pacific). Blackrock is by far the biggest capital manager in the world.
  • Emmanuel Macron is a French Rothschild banker turned politician who was sworn in as President of France on 14 May 2017. Played an active part in the COVID-19 deep event, especially the introduction of vaccine passports.
  • Mélanie Joly Elected to Canadian parliament in 2015, became Minister of Foreign Affairs in 2021.
  • Lila Tretikov vice president at Microsoft from 2018 and specialist in Artificial intelligence.
  • Sarah Hanson-Young Up and coming politician for the Australian Greens destined for big places.



  • Molly Crockett is an American neuroscientist who studies human morality, altruism and decision making. In 2015, she showed that drugs targeting serotonin and dopamine in the brain can change moral decision-making in healthy people.
  • Richard Socher is Chief Scientist at Salesforce (important in the Covid-agenda) where he leads the company’s research efforts and works on bringing artificial intelligence solutions to Salesforce.
  • Dr. Luhan Yang is the co-founder and chief scientific officer at eGenesis and later of Qihan Biotech, companies working to make xenotransplantation succeed, a medical procedure trying to engineer animal (especially pig) cells, tissues and organs for human transplantation.
  • Feng Zhang – Scientist who played a central role in the development of optogenetics and CRISPR technologies.



  • Xavier Duportet is a genome architect and founder of Eligo Biotech, a company that combines gene editing and microbiome modification.
  • Albert Rivera is a Bilderberger and former politician who was the leader of the Spanish party Citizens from its founding in 2006 until 2019.
  • Marlène Schiappa is a French writer and politician, serving in the Castex government of President Emmanuel Macron.
  • Leana Wen is an American physician and former President of Planned Parenthood. She distinguished herself during the COVID-19 deep event by wanting to make the life of „unvaccinated” a living hell.
  • Jagmeet Singh is one of the many leading Canadian politicians that are Young Global Leaders.
  • Alexander Soros, son of George Soros and Deputy Chair of the Open Society Foundations.
  • Carol Yu Chinese broadcast journalist, columnist, television host and media executive.



  • Peter Buttigieg is a very spooky US politician. He was a prospective candidate in the US/2020 Presidential election. He is United States Secretary of Transportation since February 3, 2021.
  • Matthew Guilford is Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Common Health, a part of the The Commons Project. Its digital health system to allow sharing of data about a person’s clinical history and status. „Sharing of COVID-19 test results and vaccination records is a natural role for CommonHealth.”
  • Yalda Hakim is an Australian/British broadcast journalist, news presenter, and documentary maker.
  • Clare O’Neil is an Australian politician. In 2019 she was considered a frontrunner for the deputy leadership during the 2019 Australian Labor Party leadership election.
  • Carlos Alvarado Quesada is the President of Costa Rica, in November 2021 the first country to mandate COVID-vaccines for children.
  • Annika Saarikko Deputy Prime Minister of Finland since 2020.



  • Megan Rapinoe – As co-captain of the US women’s soccer team, Rapinow lifted the 2019 FIFA World Cup. Off the field, she advocates for gender equality, including equal pay in her sport, and speaks out on diversity and inclusion.
  • Jesús Cepeda – Chief Executive Officer of OneSmart City, a company that uses blockchain and artificial intelligence to help city authorities provide digital services.
  • Jack Conte is an American businessman and founder of Patreon, which has been busy blocking funds to independent media for many years.
  • Karina Gould Canadian minister of families, children and social development since October 26, 2021.
  • Gaurav Gupta – Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer of Zomato, an Indian restaurant aggregator and food delivery start-up. He launched the table reservation business and scaled it up across India, the United Arab Emirates and Australia.
  • Sanna Marin – Marin held her first political post at the age of 27. Despite a total lack of experience, she was Finland’s Prime Minister during the COVID-19 deep event.
  • Annalena Baerbock is a German politician serving as the co-leader of Alliance 90/The Greens. Favorite by the commercially-controlled media for Chancellor of Germany.
  • Alicia Garza – A o-founder of Black Lives Matter, Garza is a US civil rights activist and editorial writer influential on issues of health, student rights, rights for domestic workers, and campaigns against police brutality, racism, and violence against gender non-conforming people of colour.
  • Kate Gallego – As mayor of Phoenix, Arizona, stated in July 2020 that one of the major health care providers in the city, had been forced to order refrigerated trucks because its hospitals have exhausted their morgue capacity. The provider later released a statement contradicting the mayor’s claims, clarifying that “hospitals currently have adequate morgue space.”
  • Kristo Kaarmann – Co-founder and CEO of TransferWise, a peer-to-peer money transfer business which aims to allow people to access the real mid-market exchange rate by cutting out traditional banking fees.
  • Larry Madowo – The BBC Africa Business Editor launched of six new business TV shows for African audiences in English, French and Swahili. Madowo is also an on-air correspondent on BBC radio and television and has reported from more than 40 countries.
  • Henry Motte-Muñoz – Founder and CEO of Edukasyon.ph, which says it is the largest youth platform in the Philippines, empowering more than 10 million student visitors each year to find their path from education to career.
  • Akiko Naka – Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Wantedly, a social networking service for professionals, Akiko was the youngest female founder ever to take a company public in Japan.
  • Yetnebersh Nigussie – An Ethiopian human rights lawyer who pushes for women’s and girls’ rights and inclusive education.



  • Andrew Bragg is an Australian politician. He became a Senator in 2019.
  • Adriana Cargill is a member of the Cargill family, the fourth-wealthiest family in America. She works as a journalist in Los Angeles at KCRW Radio.
  • Andrey Guryev. In April 2020 moderated conference on „the possibility of a dramatic transformation in the structure, principles and processes for doing business following the coronavirus pandemic.”
  • Martín Guzmán – Argentinian Minister of Economy from 2019. Oversaw some of the longest lockdowns in the world (rumored to be after deal with George Soros).
  • Izkia Siches – Chilean doctor prominent in corporate media during the Covid-19 deep event. In 2022 appointed Minister of Interior and Public Security, the second most important in government after new President Boric. Fan of fellow YGL, New Zealand’s PM Jacinda Ardern.
  • Vera Daves de Sousa was made finance minister of Angola when she was 35.
  • Amélie de Montchalin is a French politician. She has served as a minister under President Macron, responsible for implementing the pass sanitaire in public services.
  • Garlin Gilchrist II is an American politician. He has been Gretchen Whitmer’s deputy since 2019.
  • Ibram X Kendi is an American author and activist. He believes the low take-up of Black people having the COVID vaccine is due to racism.
  • Devi Sridhar is a Professor and Chair of Global Public Health at the University of Edinburgh. In 2020, she advised the Scottish government on how to deal with the COVID-19/Pandemic.
  • Vasudha Vats is a Vice president of Pfizer.

(Powyższa wersja listy pochodzi z WikiSpooks)



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